Our Story

Our story begins with our President, Aleksandr Romanchuk. He is a dedicated and experienced Certified Public Accountant (CPA) with over ten years of experience in the industry, establishing a reputation for providing expert financial guidance and unparalleled tax preparation services.

Aleks holds a Masters of Business Administration, a Bachelor of Science in Accounting, and a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Rowan University. He holds a CPA license in both New Jersey and New York, with the firm’s license in New Jersey.

Aleks’ business philosophy is to illuminate the world with financial literacy. He is a strong believer that compound interest is the key to achieve your financial goals. His passion for accounting and finance stems from his desire to help individuals and businesses reach their financial goals. He takes the time to understand each client’s unique needs and develops personalized plans to maximize their financial success. Whether working with individuals or small businesses, Aleks consistently delivers results that exceed expectations.

Aleks started Romanchuk CPA LLC in 2014 as a means to prepare tax returns for his friends and family. This quickly exploded through word of mouth referrals as Aleks gained more experience and knowledge navigating this robust industry. He has a comprehensive understanding of tax laws and regulations, and he stays up to date on the latest developments in the industry to provide the most accurate and effective tax preparation services. His attention to detail and commitment to excellence has earned him a reputation as one of the top CPAs in Northern NJ.

Aleks came up with the motto, Your Success is Our Business, to drive our value proposition that our growth is directly correlated to your growth- our paths are intrinsically intertwined. He is dedicated to providing the highest level of service to his clients.

Thank you for your business.